Word Of the Month's
Word of the Month for March is: Respect
To RESPECT someone or something is a positive way of thinking and acting. It shows you care and value someone else’s feelings and well-being. At Bernardo Karate we think it is so important for our students to learn about respect and how to respect others. It is an essential life skill that will help them…
Word of the Month for February is: Service
When you think about karate, you’re likely to think of certain words like discipline, and respect. One word that may not immediately come to mind is service.
Word of the Month for January is: Perseverance
It goes by various names; determination, staying power, steadfastness, endurance, diligence, tenacity, grit. It is a trait that is very much necessary for success in anyone’s life.
Word of the Month for December is: Courtesy
When parents sign their children up for martial arts classes very often they are looking for a healthy activity that will also teach their kids respect. And Karate certainly does that. However, also intertwined with respect is a trait, value or behaviour called COURTESY which we feel is equally important to teach all of our…
Word of the Month for November is: Self-Discipline
Self-discipline helps us do the work we need to do, even when we don’t feel like doing it. It helps us get up in the morning and it helps us push ourselves and focus through challenges and distractions that can ultimately hinder our success. U.S. President, Theodore Roosevelt once said, “With self-discipline most anything is…
Word of the Month for October is: Courage
One of the virtues of the Bushido Code and our word of the month for October is Courage. The definition of Courage from the Bushido Code is...
Word of the Month for September is: Focus
As parents we all want our children to be able to FOCUS when it matters. Not just when it’s time to listen to us or to their teachers, but also when they are dealing with an important task or a crisis. At Bernardo Karate we know FOCUS is a crucial element of success.
Word of the Month for August is: Honesty
We have all been faced at one point or another with the choice of telling the truth or telling a lie. Even at a very young age, kids test the truth to see what they can and can’t get away with.
Word of the Month for July is: Confidence
The words under our Bernardo Karate crest say “Confidence is Strength.”...
Word of the Month for June is: Excellence
At Bernardo Karate we encourage our students to always strive to be better. “Pursuing excellence is a very healthy habit to develop,” says Sensei Tammy Bernardo.
Word of the Month for May is: Responsibility
The definition of responsibility: an obligation or duty; it is a state of being reliable or accountable...
Word of the Month for April is: Humility
Contrary to popular belief, a humble individual is not weak, passive or insecure...